Tuesday, May 27, 2008

December 12, 1522

December 12, 1522
I just got back from France where I finished my education with my sister, Mary Boleyn. I'm 15 years old and I feel very accomplished. I'm going to start my new life here in England. I intend to get married and have a few kids, but I don't want to marry just anyone, they have to be important and they have to have a good status in society. I'm into a few people right now. I've been going out with Henry Percy (heir of the Earl of Northumberland), Sir Thomas Wyatt (a poet), Sir James Butler, and King Henry VIII. King Henry has been denying me to marry Henry Percy and James Butler. Henry first saw me in 1520 in the Field of Cloth and Gold. I think he's been after me ever since. He's a very needy man.
Very Sincerely,
Anne Boleyn

May 24, 1526

May 24, 1526

I love King Henry VIII. We have been having an affair since the beginning of this year. I really love him, however, I will not be his mistress. If he loves me, he will divorce Queen Kathrine of Aragon, and marry me. I want to be queen and I don't just want to be his mistress, that's not enough for me. Mary was having an affair with him, but then she got pregnant, and I guess he didn't want her anymore. I want to make Henry want /me /more than he wants Kathrine, so that he'll divorce her and marry me.

Be writing soon,

Anne Boleyn

April 27, 1527

April 27, 1527

Yes, I've done it! King Henry VIII wants a divorce from Queen Kathrine of Aragon, and now wants me. Not only does he want a divorce, but now the whole ordeal is publicly known!'The King's Secret Matter' is known all over England and beyond. I can't believe that I've actually won over the love of King Henry the Eighth.

I wonder when he'll propose,

Anne Boleyn

August 5, 1532

August 5, 1532

This is good, I'm pregnant with the child of King Henry VIII. Now he'll have to marry me and make me Queen Anne Boleyn. This baby cannot be born unhealthy, and it definitely can't be a stillborn. This baby should be a boy, to heir Henry's throne. If I have a boy, then Henry will have to put /my /boy up as King when Henry's dead. I need a baby boy to really hook in Henry and make him realize that he /has /to be with me, but I'd _probably_ rather this baby be a girl than a stillborn.


Anne Boleyn

May 30, 1533

May 30, 1533

Today is my first day being Queen of England. Henry and I were married on January 25, 1533, and I had my coronation yesterday. It feels good to be in power of so many people. I feel like I have the whole world eating out of the palm of my hand. I envy Henry, he's felt this way ever since he became king. I'm still pregnant, and I can feel the baby moving, so it's not dead yet. I'm trying to not do anything that might make this baby unhealthy in any way.

Waiting for the baby,

Anne Boleyn

September 7, 1533

September 7, 1533
My /daughter /was born today. She's alive and healthy, but she's not a boy. Great, all that hard work for /nothing/. I named her Elizabeth. At least she'll hopefully become a Queen. Henry is very pleased with his beautiful baby girl, yet he's upset that she's not a beautiful baby boy. Hopefully she'll live her life as I have; happy, rich, and Queen.

It's a girl,
Anne Boleyn

July 14, 1534

July 14, 1534

I gave birth to a son! Here's the catch, he was stillborn. That is /not /good. Henry will surely want a new wife to give him sons to be princes. I need to give him a son or its bye-bye Queen Anne Boleyn! I have to keep trying with him, or else he'll take action as he did with Kathrine of Aragon (he put her in Kimbolton Castle with /nothing/, and she'll surely die soon). I refuse to die in a castle because I gave birth to a girl.

Need a son,

Anne Boleyn

November 13, 1535

November 13, 1535

I'm pregnant, but Henry is falling for Jane Seymour. I can tell, he keeps lying to me and says he loves me, but his affection for /me/ is getting weaker and weaker. Every time he sees her, he gets happy, but then when he's with me, he seems like he's bored, or distracted. If this baby is not a boy, he'll surely get rid of me and marry Jane Seymour.

Praying to live,

Anne Boleyn

May 2, 1536

May 2, 1536
I miscarried. The baby came out on January 29, and now I'm being arrested. I was taken to the Tower of London, and now my life is /really /on the line. Henry has completely fallen for Jane Seymour, and now he's finished with me.
On my way to death,
Anne Boleyn

May 15, 1536

May 15, 1536

Today, I was tried in court for treason, adultery, and incest in the Great Hall of the Tower of London. I don't know why they think I did any of those things. They probably think that I was cheating against King Henry (the adultery and the incest), and if you cheat on the King, it's basically treason. I DID NOT cheat on Henry. All I can do right now, is hope that the court is feeling gracious today, and they won't kill me.

Soon to be gone,
Anne Boleyn

May 19, 1536

May 19, 1536
The court has agreed, I've been sentenced to death for treason, adultery, and incest. I've been given a few hours to live. I've got a lot to do in that few hours; say goodbye to everyone I have ever known, finish my will, and make sure that everything is set for my death and for my funeral. I better go, I have a lot to do before I... you know... die.
Goodbye forever,
Anne Boleyn